General Information
Our education exposes us to new ideas, research and technology and encourages us to develop our creative and independent thought. At Macquarie Law School, we are challenged to think critically and provide innovative solutions and answers.
However, MULS recognises that Law School can be stressful and overwhelming. Our Education Portfolio is committed to supporting the education of students by meeting their academic and non-academic needs.
We share the experiences of current and ex-Macquarie Law Students’ PACE and exchange experiences.
The Education portfolio also works to de-stigmatise and open up the conversation about mental health and overall personal well-being. We hold events that aim to improve students’ well-being, especially during stressful uni periods, such as yoga sessions.
This portfolio also represents different groups in MULS to make sure that their interests are heard. Our First Year Representatives organise events specifically for First Years, while also being a point of contact and friendly face for them. Meanwhile, our Diversity, First Nations, JD and External Representatives help make sure that MULS operates in a way that is accessible and equitable.
If you have any education related questions, please reach out to our Education Director, Farrah.
Justified (Podcast)
The Justified Podcast is an initiative by the Education Portfolio featuring insights from legal professionals. We chat with people who are highly experienced and passionate about their involvement in the industry to discuss their legitimate and justified opinion behind key areas in the legal system.
Tune into Justified below!